Church Blog

Fall is here! Football games, changing of the leaves, and cooler temperatures are all signs of change around us. What hasn’t changed is our need for Christ and being connected to His church. I’ve been reading Francis Chan’s book “Until...

     Thanks to everyone who helped make the ’21 Anderson County Community Resource Fair a success!      It seemed well attended by both agencies and the public, and the sentiment is that, as we continue to do this...

August is here! I can't believe how quickly the summer has gotten away from us. We've already had 'tax-free weekend' in getting the children ready to begin classes.Our church has a number of teachers, administrators, and health care professionals who...

Our church is adding a new worship resource for those who attend the contemporary worship service. Beginning in August, you will be able to access the songs we plan to sing for the upcoming Sunday morning contemporary service by going...

As many of you already know, Betty Kay Pierce has announced her resignation from our church staff, effective Sunday, August 29th. Betty Kay is in the process of selling her house and relocating closer to family. We love her and...

I never really knew my own dad.My parents divorced when I was around 8 years old, and even though he lived close to us for a while, his weekend visits to my younger sister and me stopped after a few...

It's been so encouraging to see the pandemic protocols being relaxed in our building! I'm grateful that we are experiencing increased levels of vaccinations which is leading to life a bit closer to what we've enjoyed before COVID became a...

We are beyond 14 months into and hopefully moving out of this pandemic! I just took Matt to the grocery store pharmacy for his second COVID vaccination. Our entire family has been vaccinated and I am so grateful.  Signs of progress...

We've all heard about the revised guidelines from the Center for Disease Control concerning facial coverings and social distancing for those who have been vaccinated. You can read more about my response and our church's too that in the previous...

I’ve been in conversation with our church council, deacons, and church staff over the last few weeks about our pandemic protocols. I was already in the process of releasing a timetable for changes. The encouraging news yesterday concerning the mitigation...