23 Jul Church Staff News
As many of you already know, Betty Kay Pierce has announced her resignation from our church staff, effective Sunday, August 29th. Betty Kay is in the process of selling her house and relocating closer to family. We love her and will miss her, but thank God for the gift of her time, presence, and ministry in this church.
At our business meeting last night, our church approved a joint recommendation from the Personnel and Finance Committees to receive a love offering for Betty Kay. You will be provided information on how to participate in this soon. Also, we will look forward to having her back for a reception at a later date.
In addition, our church approved a recommendation from the Personnel Committee to name Dr. Vicki Violette as our next Minister of Education. She will serve in a part-time capacity and her work on our church staff begins September 1st. I am very excited about this news and know you will join me in praying for her ministry with us.
As I said last night, we have a search committee in place to secure a full-time Minister of Children and Young Families. I am very much aware of the importance of this position in the life of our church, and wanted to let you know of my commitment and that of this committee to follow the Lord’s guidance in this matter. I’m also attentive as to what needs to occur in the meantime, and ask the parents of our children to remain encouraged and faithful in their participation in the life of our church.
It’s a privilege to be a part of First Baptist Church. I’m looking forward to future opportunities for fellowship and worship as a family of faith, and ask that you join me in seeking the Lord’s direction for this church. See you soon, and take care–DC
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