Church Blog

In the C.S. Lewis classic “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” readers are taken to the magical land of Narnia. When Narnia is living under the authority of the witch “it is always winter, but never Christmas.” There are...

November 27 was the first Sunday of Advent, and I wanted to thank Rev. Ben Neal for preaching in my absence. I missed being with you all but was grateful for time with extended family at Thanksgiving. Advent is a four...

A 17th century German pastor buried dozens of his parishioners every day during the “Thirty Years War” which devastated Europe. Millions of civilians and soldiers died as a result of war, disease, and economic depression during these decades of horror...

Big things are happening with the kids at First Baptist Church! In this very precious ministry I have been working diligently to grow. This is not because numbers make my ministry successful. In truth, I’m invested in this ministry. I have...

In “Why In Person Worship Will Never Go Out of Style,” Phillip Yancey offers thoughts about our changing culture contrasted with the church he knew as a child: “Many of the people were working class. They didn’t sit at home...

“When my decision for Christ was made I walked slowly down and knelt in prayer. I opened my heart and knew for the first time the sweetness and joy of God, of truly being born again. I didn’t have any...

Well, we did it—we had a “Monumental” VBS (Awesome God)! It was wonderful having so many children take part in this week of worship and learning. Thanks so much to Lauren for her leadership and energy, as well as our...

After years of disappointment and changing plans due to the pandemic, our church is going to have VBS! This is an incredibly important development and I'm very excited about it.Promotion, planning, and preparation are all coming together to make this...

Many, if not all, major news outlets are covering the Guidepost Solutions independent report of sexual abuse allegations in the Southern Baptist Convention. It's almost 300 pages and I have given particular attention to the summation of its findings. I...

I read an article recently about the former CEO of Waffle House, Bert Thorton. He grew the restaurant to almost 2,000 locations at the time of his retirement. His desire was that the people who enter a Waffle House would...