29 Aug Fall Schedule Kicks Off
In “Why In Person Worship Will Never Go Out of Style,” Phillip Yancey offers thoughts about our changing culture contrasted with the church he knew as a child:
“Many of the people were working class. They didn’t sit at home evenings fretting over the fine points of theology; they worried about how to pay bills and feed the kids. When a family’s house burned down, or a drunken husband locked his wife out, or a widow couldn’t afford her groceries, they had nowhere to turn but their local church.
Since those childhood days, I have encountered many grace-dispensing churches that serve needs beyond those of their members. Admittedly, the pews are less comfortable than the chairs in my living room, and the quality of the worship service can’t match the slick productions I watched during the pandemic lockdown periods. What they do have, though, is a strong sense of community—something all too rare in our individualistic society.”
The Anderson County Resource Fair was a great success! This event is part of our church’s unique witness and story in our community; it is also personal to Amanda who deserves our gratitude for her planning and preparation. Thanks also to those who volunteered their time to serve and show hospitality to those who entered our Family Life Center.
For me, the pandemic brought about the beginning of new ministries, the continuation of others, and the end for others. It’s been a season of re-visiting who our church is and what we should be doing for the cause of Christ.
On that note, I leave you with two thoughts. First, I have informed our church about the internet speed problems that are hindering the quality of our livestream. The equipment is on order and we are in a waiting period to have it installed. In the meantime, our focus on Sundays will remain providing a meaningful worship service in the Family Life Center or Sanctuary.
Finally, this month signifies the beginning of Wednesday night suppers. The mid-week meal kicks off on September 7th around the tables in the Family Life Center. This will be a gathering place for our entire church to gather around the tables for food and fellowship.
It has been several years since the church has had Wednesday night suppers, and I am unsure how well the meal offering will be supported by our people. For this reason, a determination will be made at Fall break as to whether the meal will be continued or discontinued. You’ll be informed of this decision in October.
Let’s be thankful for what we’ve been given. See you soon–DC
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