30 May VBS is here!
Tim Keller, long time pastor of Redeemer Church in New York City, died a few weeks ago after a three year battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 72 years old. His death has generated an outpouring of gratitude for his life, leadership, and contributions to the Christian witness. Christians and non-Christians alike have been gracious in their recollections of his life.
He is the author of numerous books, yet one of his most cited saying relates to the centrality of the Good News. Keller writes, “The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.”
It is easy to lose sight of our purpose as a family of faith; there are any number of activities or projects that we could take on. The number of choices we have and the myriad of ways our energies can be invested is overwhelming. Many of these have their value, but we must keep “the main thing the main thing” in our work and witness. The main thing is the gospel. The main thing is sharing and living out our faith in Christ in our town and community.
One of the great evangelistic tools we have is Vacation Bible School. Many of us grew up with VBS and remember the songs, snacks, crafts, and simple lessons led by people who volunteered their time to tell us about Jesus. It takes a great deal of time and effort to plan and carry out this week long period of intense study and fellowship with children.
I hope you will join me praying for our VBS to impact our children and community for Christ. I also ask that you volunteer your time and energy to helping make sure this week is an effective means for planting spiritual seeds into the lives of children, some of whom will be hearing about Jesus for the first time!
Let’s take advantage of the opportunity to invite parents and children into our fellowship, especially those who have children. VBS is a wonderful time to invite non-members and people outside the church to experience life around people of faith. We can trust God with the results of our efforts and pray for a work of the Holy Spirit among us.
The calendar is telling me that Father’s Day is this month. I recognize that this holiday carries a variety of meanings and emotions for each of us. Let’s take time to be grateful for the men in our lives who model a Christlike spirit through their words and actions. We’ll take time on this occasion during worship to remember and celebrate those men who have influenced us.
Summer is upon us. Although we will shift gears a bit with our regular schedule, there will still be opportunities for fellowship and fun through our children, youth, and adult gatherings.
I also know this is a season for trips and travel. So, please keep in mind that the work of the church continues through the summer months, so thank you for your ongoing financial support.
We are more loved in Christ than we ever dared hope. That’s a message worth sharing!–DC
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