16 Sep Upward Season Canceled this Year
The leadership for Clinton Upward (a ministry association of First and Second Baptist Churches in Clinton, Tennessee) has decided to cancel this year’s season. The primary mission of Clinton Upward is to provide a safe and affirming atmosphere for basketball and cheer while sharing God’s love with the participants.
With the COVID-19 virus still active and the normal flu season, we worry about the safety of the participants and their families. Both churches would incur extra costs for sanitizing before and after games, and proper social distancing would be extremely difficult for families attending games. Neither church would be able to provide concessions while the COVID-19 virus is active which decreases the number of scholarships that our churches can provide to participants.
Clinton Upward looks forward to next season and providing children in our community with an enriching experience of learning basketball fundamentals; cheer skills; and knowledge of God’s love. Thank you for your understanding.
Clinton Upward Leadership
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