Coronavirus Update 3

As many of you know, the World Health Organization has labeled the COVID-19 outbreak a Pandemic. Information and developments are very fluid and we are being attentive to how these changes impact our area.

The Clinton City and Anderson County Schools have announced that school will be closed next week. This is in addition to the previously scheduled Spring Break results in schools being closed March 16-27. These mitigation measures are being taken in an effort to combat the spread of virus. Our church will be supportive of and working in concert with this approach. Here are a few ways this will impact us:

We are canceling activities for the next two weeks, including Sundays March 22 and 29. There are no mid-week services (this would have been true for Spring Break anyway).

The church office will also be closed during this time. Our staff will be working from home, but may come in to the building periodically to handle necessary tasks.

The Finance and Trustee Committee Meetings have been postponed. The monthly business meeting scheduled for March 17 is also postponed.

The Family Life Center will be closed as well as the WEE Ministry.

The Christian Service Center will be modifying their efforts and using new procedures in order to remain open Tuesday afternoons to help those in need.

The ReNew Recovery ministry will not meet in person but is making arrangements to do so virtually on Facebook.

There are other things I may refer to later on, but please know of my appreciation for your support and cooperation of these mitigation efforts. We may revise them as is necessary.

We already have an online presence on Sunday with livestreaming via Facebook; I’m looking into continuing that effort during this period of time. There may be other occasions in which information is shared through our social media platform as well as One Call.

Please remember that the work of the Lord continues despite this disruption in our schedule. One of the areas impacted adversely is our financial health, so please know that I appreciate your ongoing financial support through bank drafts, online giving ( as well as direct mail.

As I said Sunday, even though we are apart it’s important for us to stay together. Remember that our church is a leader in this community and our response during these days is important. Whether we are “gathered or scattered” we are still the church.

I’ll be in touch.

Dr. Chisholm

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